Saturday, 20 June 2009

This Song Moved Me

This will be my last post till late next month. Wish me luck—I'll need it!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Blog & Roll: Terrible Yellow Eyes

Anyone who has read and enjoyed Maurice Sendak's seminal book Where the Wild Things Are will love this blog which features work inspired by the book.
Click on the post title to visit the site.

And oh yes, they've made a movie out of the book too ('they' being Hollywood, not the blog owners), coming out in October this year. Whether the film makers can create a successful feature length movie out of a short illustrated book with barely 20 lines of text while staying faithful to the original material will be something worth observing.

Here's the trailer:

Monday, 8 June 2009

Shout Out

To all of you who have finished or are soon to finish their BVC, LPC, or undergrad courses: Congratulations!!! I'm proud of all of you!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

This Day in History

On June the 6th...
125 years ago, YMCA was founded in London. By pure coincidence I ate there twice today!
65 years ago, the Allied forces landed on Normandy on D-Day.
25 years ago, Tetris was invented in Moscow.
24 years ago, a friend was born. Happy Birthday old chum!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Happy World Environment Day

Dear World,
I hope one day you'll be ok again.
I love you.



For (L-R) Lydia, Lilian, Shara and Shi Wen. I miss all of you!
I'm sorry guys girls, but I don't have a scanner and my old camera's crap. You can still click on the photo to enlarge, though.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

What Crisis?

The recent revelation of expenses claims abuses by politicians in the UK became a catalyst to a political quagmire: a host of high profile ministers have resigned, preempting Prime Minister Gordon Brown's attempted cabinet reshuffle. The Guardian, in no unclear terms, has even called him to step down, or rather, asked his party to 'cut him off'.

All this seems to indicate that PM Brown is facing a crisis of leadership and confidence both within his own Labour party and amongst the hoi polloi, even as Britons go to the polls tomorrow for the European Parliament and local council elections.

The claims abuse revelation was by no means the first of PM Brown's many political scandals and embarrassments; problems within his government were openly reported and commented on long before the claims abuses came to light, but perhaps it was the very last straw which broke the public's back. The backlash that came Brown's way could not have been unexpected by anyone (living there). The people spoke, loudly and angrily: they will not accept such behaviour even as they are hard up and see their country's economy in tatters.

The expenses scandal has now (rightly) been called a 'crisis' by the British press, really more due to its devastating aftermath than anything. It made me wonder, if something similarly embarrassing came to light to the Malaysian public, how would we react? Would there be such a vehement outcry against those who participated in the wrongdoing? Would ministers resign? Would there arise questions and debates pertaining to national leadership and party reform? Would we even call it a crisis?

Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I highly doubt anything nearly that crushing would arise. While the abuses made in the UK are by no means negligible nor forgivable, they are, in my opinion, small in relation to the widespread and blatant corruption and abuses by our authorities and politicians on practically every level of government. I do not think we would be shocked. We would be angry, yes, but not angry enough to create a political quandary as the people of Britain have. We would not call it a crisis. We would call it 'business as usual'.

Now...back to my business. :(

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Clearly Japanese, slightly surreal, absolutely beautiful.
Unfortunately, I cannot read Japanese so the artist(es)'s name(s) is/are unavailable.
Please click on the post title to enjoy more of his/her/their great artwork.
Found via czina likes.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Goodbye Jay!

After 17 years as host of 'The Tonight Show', Jay Leno passes the torch to Conan O'Brien.
