Sunday, 26 September 2010

Into Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall

Daily notes from my pupillage, which is coming to an end soon. Yay!

D166 (13th September): Rosemary's Bites. Yum yum.

D167: The missing Rolex.

D168: "Where are my rolling papers?"

September 16: Malaysia Day!

D169: Marmalade@BVII.

Over the weekend, I went to Azura & Fariz's wedding, rehearsal, T4YP's Twelth Night, and had a chat with Sam, who's leaving for Exeter.

D170 (20th September): Though this be madness - yet there is method in't.

D171: Shopping for undergarments while being stared at -awkward and funny. Trying not to laugh so that they don't think you're crazy - challenging.

D172: The Talk II.

D173: Decisions, decisions.

D174: I'm green and a little Irish today, aye Arthur?

Sam, all the best in Exeter. I wish I was in your position, starting uni. We'll miss you loads! Keep in touch!


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