Monday, 5 January 2009


Today I came pretty close to become a vegetable—well, it seems like the only justified thing to do to my body after my weekend is recuperate, not from the endless partying but the taxing work. Don't worry,I won't do it as often, it's just that going back to class after the break makes me feel more than a little shity.

I found out on the radio that before Christmas three submarine cables under the Mediterranean were cut and this has disrupted or slowed down telco services around the Middle East and Asia, including here. The cables are still being fixed so some sites may still be slow due to re-routing via the U.S to Europe. I have actually noticed that some sights have been particularly slow, but then again, with my TMNet as my ISP, broadband is so slow even without problems like these that you wonder if it really makes a difference.

On another note, the header image has been pretty much finished, so a new template should be up and running by tomorrow.


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